Final color graded media

  • Color graded clips that correspond to the XML/AAF/EDL(s) of the final, locked sequences

Final mixes & splits

  • WAVs or AIFFs of final mix and splits 

Reference Movie

  • Quicktime movie of locked cut of each video including audio, titles, VFX, positioning, etc.

Offline XMLs / EDLs

  • Export XML of the locked sequence(s)

All graphics / animations / text overlays

  • All graphics including any introcards, endcards, animation, text, lower thirds, etc. 

Typefaces / fonts

  • OTF or TTF

ISCIs for slates

  • Provide ISCIs, Title, Duration, Platform [Web or Broadcast], Date, Delivery Specs [file type, dimension, codec, etc], and ANY LEGAL


Download our deliverables sheet template here: